• Literary Criticism

    Literary Disco

    When a 13th-Century Essay Hits Close to Home

    By Literary Disco  September 1, 2020
    Irish Literature

    The Humble Confidence of Seamus Heaney

    By R. F. Foster  August 31, 2020
    The History of Literature

    The Ecstasy of Reading (and Rereading) Anna Karenina

    By History of Literature  August 31, 2020
    Latin American Literature

    Carlos Fonseca on Harnessing the Literary Power of Tedium

    By Juan Toledo  August 28, 2020
    Classic Novels

    Dear Catcher in the Rye:
    A Love Letter

    By Mary O'Connell  August 21, 2020
    Flash Fiction

    13 Ways of Looking at Flash Fiction

    By Grant Faulkner  August 21, 2020
    New Books Network

    How Dante Alighieri Invented Italy

    By New Books Network  August 21, 2020
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