November 27, 2024
- Daniel Felsenthal on the letters of Joe Brainard
- Are readers and publishers are turning away from memoir?
- On the controversy of 1974’s shared Booker Prize
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“In the late spring of 2004, Ramzi landed in Ramallah to prepare for another musical tour of the refugee camps by his French musician friends.”
“Ever since Howie Jeffries could remember, people had been asking him if anything was wrong. It was his face, mostly. The last face on earth.”
“In the days of conductors, of course, such matters could be dealt with speedily. A conductor like Gunter, for instance, would locate the offender and tell them in no uncertain terms to leave the bell alone.”
“Nick Devlin leaned into the gilded mirror and focused, wiped his hair back with one hand, rubbed his eyes. A wince played then vanished and he tucked in his shirttails.”