Today in Post-Apocalyptic Problems
Elizabeth Crane
“A couple years later.”
“Dave said, I’d met this guy at a bar who happened to be a night guard at The Frick museum, and he said he could, since he knew I was a painter (‘Only a Sunday painter,’ I’d said; ‘Whatever,’ this guy’d said), if I was interested, let me in to the museum after hours.”
“It was every Dolphin’s loftiest goal: to be chosen by Jim Yablonski, director of the Downriver Municipal Outdoor Pool, as one of his Drowners.”
“For her seventieth birthday, Bronfman had ordered his mother a pair of battery-heated socks because she said her feet were always, always cold.”
“Suzanne Toussaint is long-bodied and thin-skinned and always cold.”
“Jamal dozed in the green twilight of the hospital room, listening to the click and burble of machines, the steady whisper of Julie’s breathing.”
“Though Pamela had not grown up with Thanksgiving, as a hostess she had nonetheless managed to capture its essence.”
“I think you weren’t there when, having finished dinner in the hotel restaurant, the young couple went back up to their room to find half a dozen rats running around in every direction.”
“From her office above the Regal Repertory Theater, Rose Bowan watched a Coke can roll down the sidewalk across the street.”
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