Why do we overlook requited love? Kathryn Schulz considers the story of Anteros and the pleasures of love’s middle. | Lit Hub Love
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Michelle Nijhuis muses on the new villains of modern folk horror. | Lit Hub Film
“An initially small group of professors literally taught the rest of the country why the war was wrong.” How anti-Vietnam War academics reinvented the strike. | Lit Hub History
Kristen Radtke, Amy Leach, Jane Wong, and Dana Spiotta discuss loneliness in the writing life. | Lit Hub
What Sara Goudarzi learned about writing fiction from science journalism. | Lit Hub
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Lyn Liao Butler recommends books that center Asian voices in adoption narratives. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
How Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness proves that the greatest romances in life can be friendships. | Vox
Alexandra Alter talks to Jennifer Croft about her work with Olga Tokarczuk and her push for more recognition of literary translators. | New York Times
Read a previously unpublished story by Cookie Mueller. | The Paris Review
“The art of charlatanry is confined to giving promises that are impossible to keep.” Claus Leggewie considers the enduring power of the charlatan. | LARB
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Neil Serven revisits Nicholson Baker’s linguistic deep dives. | Ploughshares
A new biography offers insights into the secret life of V.C. Andrews. | The Wall Street Journal
“If you can name another film that personifies so astutely those feelings of regret and melancholy, guilt and repentance, I’ll eat my top hat.” On the 1993 adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day. | Bright Wall/Dark Room
Also on Lit Hub: Christopher Kemp on the search for a safer GPS • Kate Gale recommends books you’ll keep coming back to • Read from Kiare Ladner’s debut novel, Nightshift