TODAY: In 1787, sixty proof sheets of the Constitution of the United States are delivered to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- “Every girl remembers her first diet. Usually, it’s her mother’s.” Laura Lippman on the (non-)journey to eating what she wants, when she wants. | Lit Hub
- Reading the first drafts of Anna Karenina: Bob Blaisdell on Tolstoy’s creation and Pushkin’s influence. | Lit Hub
- It takes many voices to find the truth: John Freeman on the anthology as social movement. | Lit Hub Politics
- Letter to a daughter who will wear two masks: Jasmon Drain on what is covered and hidden. | Lit Hub
- In 1938, a great and terrible hurricane came ashore on Long Island—and only one forecaster predicted its deadly path. | Lit Hub History
- Margot Mifflin tells the story of Lencola Sullivan, and other trailblazing Black models of Miss America. | Lit Hub History
- “We must confront O’Connor’s racism, be it in conversations about literature or lupus.” Maggie Levantovskaya on Flannery O’Connor’s chronic illness and chronic racism. | Lit Hub
- Kaitlyn Greenidge on Raven Leilani, Rumaan Alam on Lorrie Moore, Walter Isaacson on the life of a Klansman, and more of the Reviews You Need to Read This Week. | Book Marks
- Legendary journalist Pete Hamill has died at 85. | Variety
- What does it all meme? A linguist looks at the “chaotic creativity of remixed internet memes and the new linguistic structures that rapidly evolve from them.” | JSTOR
- “Trump held up a mirror to American society, and it reflected back a grotesque image that many had refused to see.” Ibram X. Kendi wonders if we’ve reached the end of America’s denial of racism. | The Atlantic
- Erika Hayasaki hears from one of the last remaining survivors of the atomic bomb about her “unequivocal pursuit: a nuclear weapon–free world.” | Narratively
- An upcoming book by Brian Bowen Smith will tell the visual story of America as it faces the pandemic. | Los Angeles Times
- A love letter to Mollie Katzen’s vegetarian classic, The Moosewood Cookbook. | The Takeout
- “Although thinking about esports hasn’t made me get into esports, at least it’s made me realise where those thousands of hours have gone, and why.” John Lanchester on attempting to replace sports with esports. | London Review of Books
Also on Lit Hub: Five great audiobooks by Black women • How similar are the hot, historic summers of 2020 and 1968? • “Ezekiel Saw the Wheel“: A story from Randall Kenan’s collection If I Had Two Wings.
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