Tom Vitale on confronting the complexities of storytelling with Anthony Bourdain, who “often bent over backward to highlight just how manipulative the TV machine could be.” | Lit Hub TV
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A compendium of literary ravens, from Aesop’s fables to Charles Dickens’s beloved Grip (and Grip II, and Grip III…). | Lit Hub History
“I was born into the economic instability of my family, and most likely will die in the economic instability of my country.” Sara Zarr on finding refuge from modern capitalism in Nomadland. | Lit Hub Film
Robby Krieger recounts the infamous New Haven concert with an unexpected twist: Jim Morrison’s mid-show, onstage arrest. | Lit Hub Music
Escape the hype machine with these five books you may have missed in September. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
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“For once, no one is looking at her but herself.” Jennifer Higgie on the life of 19th-century model-turned-artist Suzanne Valadon. | Lit Hub Biography
Mondiant Dogon talks to his co-writer Jenna Krajeski about writing as (slow, difficult) healing and learning to trust others with his story. | Lit Hub Memoir
Wendy Holden recommends books that pull back the curtain on the lives of British royals. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
To make any progress, Barrett Holmes Pitner argues, America needs a new language to describe its many shortcomings. | Lit Hub Politics
“One writes by watching a fly relinquish its life. One has a right to do that.” Marguerite Duras on finding stories everywhere. | Lit Hub Craft
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“Death threats to King’s legacy are now sold as love songs to his legacy.” Ibram X. Kendi on Martin Luther King Jr. and the rise in protest against critical race theory. | The Atlantic
On the toxic accessibility of Goodreads. | Bustle
How Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle helped this writer leave religion. | Autostraddle
Emily Landau talks about writing “an accessible book about what disability is and how people can be better allies to disabled people.” | LARB
“Editors, publishers, and other writers will snub you. So what? Get back to the page again, and again, and again.” Jenny Shank on Lucia Berlin, her mentor and fellow outsider. | Poets & Writers
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Jane Goodall breaks down the books that inspired her love for animals and nature as a child. | The New York Times
“Here’s the most important thing Mike taught me: nostalgia is some dangerous bullshit.” Kevin Dettmar on Mike Rose, the teacher who changed how we teach writing. | The New Yorker
Also on Lit Hub: On the portability and mobility of hordes • Read from a poem by Jesús Castillo • Read from Caroline Hagood’s debut novel, Ghosts of America