TODAY: In 1877, Black Beauty: His Grooms and Companions, the Autobiography of a Horse by Anna Sewel is published.
- Talking to Peter Blackstock, the editor behind back-to-back to Booker Prizes. | Lit Hub
- “My favorite cover illustrations aren’t likely to be your favorites.” Artist Bruce McCall about his favorite New Yorker covers. | Lit Hub Art
- “When American troops returned stateside after WWI ended, they brought their taste for doughnuts with them.” It truly was the Greatest Generation. | Lit Hub Food
- “Heedless of the flames, Carla Capponi pulled the injured soldier from the burning wreck.” The life and times of an Italian Nazi fighter (aka, antifa). | Lit Hub History
- New release Tuesdays! Stock up on books for the holidays (or, you know, buy a few as gifts). | Lit Hub
- “There is so much food and we have no agenda.” Mark Twain absolutely doing Thanksgiving the right way. | Lit Hub Food
- The Age of Enlightenment was also… the age of wigs? Luigi Amara considers the dearth of a unified theory of the hair piece. | Lit Hub History
- “Televangelists understood that the plots of spiritual redemption and pecuniary redemption were virtually identical.” The grift that keeps on giving: on the prosperity gospel. | Lit Hub Politics
- Sarah Weinman on the brief and tragic life of Linda Millar, set on a path to ruin by her parents, crime writers Ross Macdonald and Margaret Millar. | CrimeReads
- Art thieves, Nazi-resistors, and medieval scientists all feature among November’s best reviewed history and politics books. | Lit Hub, Book Marks
- “Though most people associate Nina Simone with the jazz clubs of New York and Paris, she grew up here, in rural Appalachia.” Leah Hampton on what the American imagination gets wrong about its rural spaces. | Guernica
- “Call me old‐fashioned, but I happen to believe that a BABY! should get to have an ASS! no matter WHAT!” Read an excerpt from Patricia Lockwood’s forthcoming novel. | The New Yorker
- Why won’t many novelists use the president’s name? | The Guardian
- One reason to start journaling: the psychological benefits of writing by hand. | FastComany
- “We are all from somewhere. It’s the artist’s job to question the values that went into the making of that somewhere.” Hilton Als on Joan Didion. | NYRB
- Here’s how educators can avoid the pitfall of books that portray Native American cultures inaccurately, disrespectfully, or as stereotypes. | JSTOR Daily
- Looking for the latest in queer literature? These sites have you covered. | Book Riot
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