Lit Hub Daily: July 12, 2022
“The town of Steubenville has been keeping this quiet and their star football team protected. You can hide no longer.” When Anonymous focused its digital wrath on a high-profile rape case. | Lit Hub Politics
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Seán Hewitt on taking refuge, as an anxious child, in the pixelated pastoral of The Legend of Zelda. | Lit Hub Tech
“The moon is a lesbian, goes the meme, and it stands to reason that the ocean is a lesbian too.” Julia Armfield considers the symbolism of water in queer narratives. | Lit Hub
Zain Khalid recommends books obsessed with the oldest (and most obvious) metaphor: death. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
This month’s 5 Writers, 7 Questions, No Wrong Answers features Nada Alic, Charles Baxter, Sopan Deb, David Santos Donaldson, and Nell Stevens. | Lit Hub Questionnaire
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Antonia Angress on muses, longing, and the value of seeing and being seen, in art and real life. | Lit Hub Memoir
Rachel Howzell Hall has some tips for how to relax, avoid burnout, and reset your creative gears. | CrimeReads
Good news: we’re in an indie bookstore renaissance. “As the number of stores has grown, the book selling business—traditionally overwhelmingly white—has also become much more diverse.” | The New York Times
Jessica Winter writes about the continuum of LGBTQ children’s books, and the grave threats they face in much of the country. | The New Yorker
In a reading slump? Here are 14 strategies to help you find your way back. | The Washington Post
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Imani Perry on Charles Chestnutt, George Packer on Frederick Douglass, Sophie Gilbert on Sylvia Plath, and more contemporary writers reflecting on voices from The Atlantic’s archives. | The Atlantic
“The story of English in India toggles between the conceptions of the language as an idea and as an object.” Akshya Saxena considers English and aspiration in India. | Los Angeles Review of Books
The Authors for Abortion Access auction is raising money for the National Network of Abortion Funds Collective Power Fund and Keep Our Clinics through July 26. | Publishers Weekly
Authors are voicing concerns about a trend of reading and returning ebooks, which is being promoted by TikTok influencers. | NPR
Also on Lit Hub: 20 new books to celebrate today • Morgan Talty, author of Night of the Living Rez talks to Jane Ciabattari • Read a story from K-Ming Chang’s new collection, Gods of Want