TODAY: In 1909, Evelyn Nielsen Wood, known for popularizing speed reading (although she preferred the phrase “dynamic reading”) is born. Above, she demonstrates her dynamic reading for a crowd.
- “This is racism as a triumph over history, the history of what you just did or didn’t do today.” Rebecca Solnit on the natural culmination of white supremacist identity politics. | Lit Hub
- “I was opening myself in strange ways at the very same moment I was displaying my incompetence.” Tom Vanderbilt embraces vulnerability and learns to sing in his fifties. | Lit Hub
- Nick Ripatrazone talks to English teacher Heather Clark about creating spaces for creativity, even amid a pandemic. | Lit Hub
- “The speech soared not when Jackson spoke in the prose of politics, but when he offered the poetry of testimony.” David Masciotra on Jesse Jackson’s most powerful speech. | Lit Hub
- In this month’s edition of the Astrology Book Club, everything is in retrograde except books. | Lit Hub
- Craig Pittman on Carolina Garcia-Aguilera, the woman who brought the Cuban-American experience to Miami noir. | CrimeReads
- New titles from Robert Jones Jr., Eley Williams, Peter Ho Davies, and Gretel Ehrlich all feature among the Best Reviewed Books of the Week. | Book Marks
- Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, giant of Urdu literature, has died from Covid-19. | The New York Times
- “You have to let the ugly days stand.” Traci Brimhall on the urge to create art after grief. | Guernica
- “There are types of emotional truths that can be accessed through poetry that could never be accessed through any other medium.” An interview with the creator of Dickinson. | A.V. Club
- Revisiting the twists, turns, and quirks of the life of O. Henry. | Book Riot
- “I don’t think I’ve ever personally known a man or woman who was so loved by so many.” Bob Shacochis remembers his friend, Barry Lopez. | Outside
- When choosing books that feature people of color, here are five important questions to consider. | The Greeneville Sun
- As of this month, Kwame Dawes is taking over the “American Life in Poetry” newspaper column from Ted Kooser, who started it in 2005. | Brittle Paper
Also on Lit Hub: Neema Avashia on the deep connection of West Virginia’s Indian community • The quotidien uses of the fourth dimension, revealed! • Read from Una Mannion’s debut novel A Crooked Tree.
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