Island of Point Nemo
Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès (Trans. Hannah Chute)
“His fingers caress what look like the colorful bindings of the Collection Hetzel.”
“His fingers caress what look like the colorful bindings of the Collection Hetzel.”
“It was too late to be a lunch, too early to be a dinner, this disappointing collection of food Greg was packing.”
“She drives a beater Volvo station wagon that used to belong to her parents.”
“It’s a long train ride from the middle of a New England nowhere to the middle of a New Jersey nowhere.”
“Old Peabody and Young Whiffle, partners in the firm of Whiffle and Peabody, Incorporated, read with mild interest the first article about Bedford Abbey which appeared in the Boston papers.”
“The fat man and his wife came into Checkered Flag Auto just as I was locking up.”
“Trout tend to rise according to the stages being followed by hatching flies and aquatic organisms.”
“From inside his hole in the ground, he heard the sound of voices calling his name, and as if they were crickets, he tried to pinpoint the precise location of each man within the bounds of the olive grove.”
“Tonight a man found Dad’s pants in a tree lit with Christmas lights.”
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