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    And the winners of the 69th National Jewish Book Awards are. . .

    Aaron Robertson

    January 15, 2020, 12:56pm

    Today, the Jewish Book Council revealed the winners of the 2019 National Jewish Book Awards, which span 24 categories. Winners include Bari Weiss, whose book How to Fight Anti-Semitism was written in the aftermath of the 2018 attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh; Dani Shapiro for her bestselling memoir Inheritance; and Ilya Kaminsky for his poetry collection Deaf Republic, which was also a finalist for the 2019 National Book Award for Poetry.

    Biblical historian and translator Robert Alter took home a Lifetime Achievement Award. Alter’s annotated translation of the Hebrew Bible, published in 2018, has been hailed as a landmark achievement that centers the literary qualities of the text. The Alter Bible is also notable for being a one-man translation. Pamela Nadell received the Book of the Year Award for America’s Jewish Women, a 400-year history of Jewish women in the United States.

    A selection of this year’s winners are featured below. You can find the full list here.


    Jew­ish Book of the Year

    Amer­i­ca’s Jew­ish Women: A His­to­ry from Colo­nial Times to Today
    Pamela S. Nadell
    W. W. Nor­ton & Company

    Life­time Achieve­ment Award

    The Hebrew Bible: A Trans­la­tion with Com­men­tary 
    Robert Alter
    W. W. Nor­ton & Company

    Auto­bi­og­ra­phy and Memoir

    Inher­i­tance: A Mem­oir of Geneal­o­gy, Pater­ni­ty, and Love
    Dani Shapiro
    Alfred A. Knopf


    Touched with Fire: Mor­ris B. Abram and the Bat­tle against Racial and Reli­gious Dis­crim­i­na­tion
    David E. Lowe
    Potomac Books

    Con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish Life and Practice

    How to Fight Anti-Semi­tism 
    Bari Weiss

    Debut Fic­tion

    Sarah Blake
    River­head Books


    Fly Already: Sto­ries 
    Etgar Keret
    River­head Books


    The Guard­ed Gate: Big­otry, Eugen­ics and the Law That Kept Two Gen­er­a­tions of Jews, Ital­ians, and Oth­er Euro­pean Immi­grants Out of America
    Daniel Okrent


    Deaf Repub­lic
    Ilya Kaminsky
    Gray­wolf Press

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