TODAY: In 1890, Jean Rhys (left, in hat) is born on the Caribbean island of Dominica.
- Jill Bialosky on wearing two hats: what it’s like to be both an editor and a writer. | Literary Hub
- Jonathan Franzen has out-Franzened himself: he claims to have once considered adopting an “Iraqi war orphan” to cure himself of “anger at young people.” | The Guardian
- Give me that/poem: an excerpt from Eileen Myles’s new collection I Must Be Living Twice. | Lamprophonic
- Another day, another group of straight, white men protesting inclusiveness—this time, it’s the (self-named!) Sad Puppies at the Hugo Awards. | NPR
- On the legacy of working man Kingsley Amis, writer of macho stories. | The New Republic
- Tracy K. Smith selected 50 poems by emerging writers for Best New Poets 2015. | Best New Poets
- Bill McKibben on Laudato Si’, “one of the most influential documents of recent times” by one of the most chill world leaders. | NYRB
- Kafka for backpackers: ecology, morality, and expat living in The Wallcreeper. | The Point
- A look at where Valeria Luiselli’s magic happens (a “light-filled Harlem studio”). | T Magazine
Also on Literary Hub: In Seattle, words that do grow on trees · Inside Brookline Booksmith, home to the fine art of browsing · An excerpt from Matthew Vollmer’s Gateway to Paradise
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