The Captives
Debra Jo Immergut
“What happened to me is universal. And I can prove it.”
“The year I lick so much LSD off stamps I have to use Elmer’s glue to back the twenty-center for a postcard cash request to my mother, that I am alive note at the end of term, is the year of all the 'wine' parties.”
“Singer suffered from a peculiar sense of shame that didn’t bother him on a daily basis but did pop up occasionally; he would remember some sort of painful misunderstanding that made him stop short, rigid as a post, with a look of despair on his face, which he immediately hid by holding up both hands as he loudly exclaimed: 'No, no!' ”
“First, she was the sound of a breaking branch. A splintered knucklecrack shattering the quiet of these western Montana woods.”
"Isaac Page rides shotgun in a Chevy Cavalier. Backpack between his feet. The Grand River behind him.”
“One day garrett asked Berg to help him drop off Vespucci’s father’s canoe at the local boatbuilder’s shop. They loaded it onto the roof of his truck and drove north along the bay.”
“ 'You’re not a monster,’ Mother used to say. ‘Just a little beast.’ ”
“I drove from the farm into town this morning for my aerobics class, and became one among a legion of middle-aged women reflected in the mirror behind the instructor. ”
“Last night, after she had finished the red wine and then discovered where Leslie had hidden the bottle of whisky, she clumsily knocked over an empty glass and watched as it spiraled to the floor and smashed.”
“Evening swept through the Delta: half an hour of mauve before the sky bruised to black. It was Chike Ameobi’s twelfth month as an officer in Bayelsa, twelve months on the barren army base.”
“After the incident with the power washer, I was determined to get my life together.”
“My girl’s cousin came over. ‘Hey, y’all! Ch’all dewn?’ she said, striding in and setting down her massive key chain.”
“The Jessup house in Anadarko, Oklahoma, was the last location on our shooting schedule.”
“The old man ran. He quickly lost his hat, his staff. He ran. Ran without haste.”
"Dark in the dark, you come as stones striking glass. The girl you want to wake is awake. I am afraid for you.”
“She tried to avert her gaze from any man. She didn’t consider herself beautiful, but she had something some men sometimes liked. Some thing. Some times. Some men. Like she was in on the big joke.”
“It’s Sunday evening and there’s nothing to eat. Elena’s bladeless fan pivots in monochrome silence, the centerpiece of a room that’s untidy in an engineered way, like movie teenage bedrooms.”
“A raindrop appeared in Bern’s right eye the night before his trip. A mote, a foreign object?”
“Frankie’s dad told him that sometimes firemen need to burn down a bad house on purpose in order to save a good neighborhood.”
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