- The time I wrote a book with an anonymous private military contractor. | Literary Hub
- Dear Rick Moody, Life Coach: I need to learn to fight.| Literary Hub
- Christian Lorentzen traces the history of short story anthologies from their pale and sickly beginnings. | Vulture
- On starting every young and vulnerable year with The Great Gatsby. | Sacred Trespasses
- Reading Nietzsche’s searing and still-relevant critique of education, presented in his typical “Romantic gibberish.” | The Guardian
- Othello was a lie: On texts that write back to Shakespeare. | Dawn
- From lit wicks to the horizontal mambo, the metaphorical, “quick-and-dirty ways” we write about sex. | Hazlitt
- Then they came for the bookseller: A Scholarist response to the missing Hong Kong booksellers. | Los Angeles Review of Books
- Searching for a “regular… but woke” black guy in fiction. | Ploughshares
- Yaoi Holden Caulfield: On Love Sick, a “trans-Asian sensation” about schoolboys in love. | The New Yorker
Also on Literary Hub: Lit Scene Dublin: A night out with Irish women writers · The smallest bookstore in Boston, Papercuts J.P. · A story from Helen Ellis’s American Housewife
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DawnHazlittlithub dailyLos Angeles Review of BooksPloughsharesSacred TrespassesThe GuardianThe New YorkerVulture