TODAY: In 1888, Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski departs Bangkok for Sydney in his first command as master on the British barque Otago, which became the basis for his novella The Shadow Line.
- Where the grass always greener… 5 Irish tales of straying wives. | Literary Hub
- On the literature of Ezilli, vodou spirit force of queer black womanhood. | Literary Hub
- A visual tour through 35 legendary literary bars (and a few cafes). | Literary Hub
- Off the clock: what the Lit Hub staff is reading, watching, eating, and more, this weekend. | Literary Hub
- “This idea of ‘beyond’ satisfied something in his imagination. He worked as though between the intricate systems of a ship and the vague horizon of a vast sea.” Colm Tóibin on Joseph Conrad. | NYRB
- “It’s a terrible burden to be understood symbolically and to understand oneself as symbolic . . . I always understood myself individually and I extend that to my characters.” A profile of An American Marriage author Tayari Jones. | BuzzFeed Reader
- “The show itself is inspiring, although I hate to admit it because it makes me feel sappy and basic.” Juliet Escoria on how watching Project Runway got her through depression and literary rejection. Pairs nicely with Tim Gunn’s favorite books. | Broadly, Vulture
- Sebastian Barry will succeed Anne Enright as the Irish fiction laureate. | The Guardian
- “For Hansberry, it was unthinkable to be alive in the world only to ignore its betrayals.” On the new documentary about Lorraine Hansberry, Sighted Eyes/Feeling Hearts. | Pacific Standard
- “How unfair it is, then, that Vladimir Nabokov can show up, decades after his death, with a store of dreams more lush and enthralling than many waking lives.” Dan Piepenbring on perhaps the only interesting dream accounts. | The New Yorker
- In an open letter to New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger, more than 400 signatories from across the world of comics publishing have called on the paper to reverse their decision to cut the graphic bestsellers list. | Publishers Weekly
Also on Literary Hub: Lit life in Orange County? Five reasons a writer should move to The OC · Poetry in response to Trump: 3 poems from a new anthology · Read from Sigrid Nunez’s new novel, The Friend.
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