We’re very happy today to announce a new Lit Hub project—Book Marks (you can see it for yourself, right here). To paraphrase the press release (which is available in full here):
Book Marks will showcase critics from the most important and active outlets of literary journalism in America, aggregating reviews from over 70 sources—newspapers, magazines, and websites—and averaging them into a letter grade, as well as linking back to their source. Each book’s cumulative grade functions as both a general critical assessment, and, more significantly, as an introduction to a range of voices.
We invite you take a look around the site and see what reviewers think of your favorite new book (or the big new books you weren’t sure you’d read). If you have any questions about how Book Marks works, hopefully we’ll have the answer for at least some of them at the “how it works” page, but you can always be in touch at bookmarks@lithub.com.
Thanks for reading!