• Which Big Fall Book Should You Read?

    (A Flowchart)

    Fall is publishing’s biggest season, and every year it gets more overwhelming. Which short story collection will puncture the glossy doldrums of life under late capitalism? Which memoir will make you feel less alone in the endless slide toward death? How about some history? Is history likely to make you feel better? Wait, there are two Cormac McCarthy novels coming out?

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    But don’t worry. Just like last year, Lit Hub has you covered with a totally scientific flowchart—equal parts handy and dandy—which will tell you with 100 percent accuracy which hyped-up fall book you should run out and read first. Have fun, and don’t forget, you can always read more than one.

    [Click on the image to open it in a new window, where it can be enlarged.]

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    Emily Temple
    Emily Temple
    Emily Temple is the managing editor at Lit Hub. Her first novel, The Lightness, was published by William Morrow/HarperCollins in June 2020. You can buy it here.

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