The Afro-Feminist Coloring Book is Here

Selections from Makeda Lewis' Avie's Dreams

September 23, 2016  By Makeda Lewis

Part activity book, part surrealist poem, Avie’s Dreams (from Feminist Press) takes an interactive and introspective approach to afro-feminist self-discovery and girlhood. A radical take on the usual coming-of-age tale, Avie infuses ancient Greek lore, Renaissance scripts, and Hollywood blockbusters with images of afro-centricity and queer identity.

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avie's dreams makeda lewis corpse flower

Life, death… avie's dreams makeda lewis illustration

The intersection of my femininity and blackness is fascinating. I carry so many colors in my skin, so much weight in my hips, infinite voices in my throat. How could I not love myself?

avie's dreams makeda lewis

It’s so monstrous and empowering to see the type of creature I become when I fight for something I believe in. avie's dreams makeda lewis

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The worth of a woman, her preciousness, is not measured by how many men haven’t touched her, the clothes she has on, how much she cusses—or how still she sits on a pedestal built by people who conflate womanhood with “servant.” avie's dreams makeda lewis

avie's dreams makeda lewis

I don’t worry about the bad shit I’ve done in the past. I have the same potential as anyone to be peaceful and giving, beautiful and true. I contain monsters and angels. I’m not scared of that.


avie's dreams makeda lewis the feminst press


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From AVIE’S DREAMS. Used with permission of Feminist Press. Copyright © 2016 by Makeda Lewis.

Makeda Lewis
Makeda Lewis
Makeda Lewis is an artist living and making in Atlanta, GA. Her art has been positively reviewed by BET, Colorlines, Blavity, Madame Noire, The Reel Network, and Her Style Media. Avie's Dreams is her first book.

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