TODAY: In 1961, Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, with a cover designed by Paul Bacon, is published.
- How close should you get with a subject? Ted Conover on the perils of immersive journalism. | Literary Hub
- Sabina Murray on how fiction can get us deeper into real history. | Literary Hub
- 10 Japanese women writers we’d like to see translated. | Literary Hub
- “The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism.” David Remnick on the election. | The New Yorker
- If you’re as confused as we are about what just happened, here is a reading list to help you understand why. | The New York Times
- “I have watched every Presidential election on television since I was a child, but I have never felt the degree of terror my loved ones and I feel now.” On watching the election undocumented. | n+1
- Every novel has a second system of symbols and signs and memories underlying the plot: Kelly Luce and Karan Mahajan in conversation. | FSG Work in Progress
- “She invites her reader to question the extent to which we consider polar bears very, very far removed from us.” An interview with Susan Bernofsky, the translator of Memoirs of a Polar Bear. | Los Angeles Review of Books
- Piece together the story through symbols and narrative threads: An interview with Wendy C. Oritz. | The Rumpus
- “When he writes these things, he pictures Helen looking forward to her evening:” A short story by Francesca Kay. | Tin House
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