TODAY: In 1564, William Shakespeare shuffled on, and in 1616 off, this mortal coil. Happy birth-death day, Bill!
- Writers and fighters: on wanting to punch Norman Mailer. | Literary Hub
- In a surprise twist, a fourth contender for the Pulitzer Committee’s heart was invited, last minute, to compete. | Wall Street Journal
- Jonathan Franzen, self-proclaimed King of the Birds, is at it again. | The Village Voice
- “Each person’s addiction to My Struggle feels personal.” On the wide range of reactions to Karl Ove Knausgaard. | The LA Review of Books
- “The music should go into the interstices of the text, as it were.” What Philip Glass learned from Samuel Beckett. | The New Yorker
- Marguerite Duras’s hole-filled non-writing. | Harriet
- Before it was de-mounded, Grave Creek Mound was host to a burial site, elaborate hoax, potential prison yard, and teenage antics. | Longreads
- Nell Zink offers book recommendations, pro-tips (“Don’t tell Jeffrey Eugenides you think Roth’s prose is ‘competent’”). | HarperCollins
- Fanatics, phrenology, and femaleness: the meanings we have historically assigned to madness, explored. | The Paris Review
- “Home is where you don’t have to spell your name.” On acquiring and rejecting an Anglicized nickname. | The Hairpin
- Seven pieces of non-vague and fully quantifiable author advice! | LA Times
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