“In the years since my father’s death I have been in search of repair and restoration, and often I find it in Aretha’s voice.” Zandria F. Robinson considers the many miracles of Aretha Franklin. | Lit Hub Music
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15 new books to kick off your 2022 reading goals. | The Hub
Once upon a time: Yara Zgheib tells a love story in exile. | Lit Hub Memoir
Looking to Iris Murdoc and Cormac McCarthy to understand love as both attention and absorption. | Lit Hub Philosophy
Can streaming help us resist the timelessness of the pandemic? A case for keeping track of what you watch. | Lit Hub Film & TV
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Daphne Palasi Andreades recommends books that capture friendships between women of color. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
10 new crime and mystery novels you should read this January. | CrimeReads
“Resolving to do the same thing each day, at the same time, has given my life a center.” Meghan O’Gieblyn embraces habit in an automated world. | Harper’s
Authors have won a $7.8 million default judgment in a piracy lawsuit against the overseas e-book operation, the KISS Library. | Publishers Weekly
How Yves Saint Laurent fashioned his life on Proust. | Times Literary Supplement
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“I wrote the book while the rest of my life was up in the air, telling the stories of my elders as a grounding force and a guiding light.” Britni de la Cretaz on the personal power of writing queer histories. | Jezebel
Philippa Snow analyzes two books that share “a sly acknowledgement of the inconvenient way real life eventually punctures fantasy, impeding the pursuit of dreams.” | The New Republic
Molly Osberg talks to Sean Thor Conroe about the late Giancarlo DiTrapano, the founder of Tyrant Books, who had championed his work. | Vulture
A breakdown that explains why some books inspire cult followings. | Book Riot
Also on Lit Hub: Virtual book events to stream in January • Hawa Allan on transforming vulnerability into power • Read from Jean Chen Ho’s Debut novel-in-stories, Fiona and Jane