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    The Nightbitch trailer is here, and it’s even more deranged than you expected.

    Emily Temple

    September 3, 2024, 2:03pm

    There’s mud, there’s blood, there’s a woman being impolite in public: the first trailer for Nightbitch is live. And hungry.

    Marielle Heller (Can You Ever Forgive Me?), who directs the Annapurna Pictures adaptation of Rachel Yoder’s hit 2021 novel Nightbitch—in which, as you may remember, a a frustrated stay-at-home mother turns into a dog—wrote the screenplay while trapped alone in a house with two small children, and calls it “a comedy for women, and a horror movie for men.” The trailer, which stars Amy Adams as the bitch in question, underscores the point.

    Nightbitch hits theaters in December, just in time for Christmas cheer, but in the meantime, watch the trailer here:

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