“The Good Light”

A Poem by Aaron Fagan

October 23, 2020  By Aaron Fagan

There were always such beautiful shadows in your work,
Though many now dodge their taxes with your art. Rarely
As it seems, life involves death with every decision, which is
Why I miss the non-Euclidean idiom we used to argue over
Every entry in the dictionary of what not to do. Somewhere
In a mix between Beaches and Häxan I have these weird
Memories of you sleeping when there’s no way I was there
To see you sleeping—a crystal ball above your bed lets
Tensors, in a tension of tenses, tongue-tie time and divine
Your urge to fearlessly abandon yourself to love as you
Understand love, where paradox gives way to paradox
And awareness is congratulated with awareness of how
This multiverse, in vast tribulation, ushers us on in unison
As one of many big bangs begins again to light the way.


A Better Place is Hard to Find by Aaron Fagan

“The Good Light” appears in A Better Place is Hard to Find by Aaron Fagan, published here by agreement with The Song Cave.

Aaron Fagan
Aaron Fagan
Aaron Fagan was born in Rochester, New York, in 1973 and educated at Hampshire College and Syracuse University. He has published two previous collections of poetry, Garage (Salt, 2007) and Echo Train (Salt, 2010), and is a poetry editor for Music & Literature.

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