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    The first lines of classic novels as Democratic fundraising email subject lines.

    Jessie Gaynor

    November 7, 2022, 1:33pm

    In honor of tomorrow’s US midterm elections (NB: please vote), I present: a little literary inspiration for the tireless Democratic party email scribes.

    This is important, Ishmael.

    Mrs Dalloway
    Mrs Dalloway said she would FUND the GOP HERSELF.

    David Copperfield
    Whether you will turn out to be a HERO for your party, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, YOUR DONATION WILL SHOW.

    The Trial
    ? THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL: Somebody must have slandered Joseph K., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he was arrested. ?

    “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” WHAT???

    Swann’s Way
    Friend, the stakes are too high to go to bed early.

    Charlotte’s Web
    Where’s Mitch going with that ax???

    Fahrenheit 451

    Gravity’s Rainbow
    A BEGGING came across your inbox.

    Invisible Man
    Am I an INVISIBLE MAN? (Humbly asking for $26)

    Nevada, light of my life, fire of my loins. My Senate, my soul. Ne-vah-da.

    538 was spiteful. Full of MANIPULATED POLLING DATA.

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