Another month of books, another month of book covers. October is (arguably, I guess) both the best month of the year and the weirdest. The covers, naturally, follow suit. Here are my favorites from this year’s spooky season:

Very cool mixed media collage, and even cooler custom text. Also, I’d like to say to the gentleman on this cover: hard same, man.

“It is hard to visually represent loneliness in a way that does not skew towards the familiar—white expanses, empty rooms, curtains and windows, vases without flowers,” Steidle told Lit Hub. “And while those images successfully convey their message, this book is modern and urgent, and needed a different approach. Modern loneliness is crowded. It is filled with bodies, digital and analog, with real life on one side and manufactured life on the other.” Read more about it here.

My favorite kind of book cover: deeply—but oh so casually—deranged.

Crown shyness in vivid color.

“Explaining the concept behind the cover feels impossible and almost deranged because it’s an amalgamation of so many things!” Kim told Lit Hub. “The large black mass impeding the majority of the cover takes the shape of one of the torn pages from the Sex Variants Study (a book heavily featured throughout the novel). The application of black on black also nods to the stories within the stories, and the idea of shadows still existing in the dark. The peeking hyena is a character pulled from an illustrated children’s book within the novel. Like I said, this cover is a real hodgepodge of so many ideas and images, but hopefully it came together to create something cohesive and beautiful.” Read more about it here.

Something something psychedelic grim reaper—a weirdly perfect cover for the book at hand. (Plus, the scythe looped through the O is a tiny touch of genius.)

I always love Merto’s sense of humor—there is something so simple about this, and yet so brilliant, something so elegant and yet so silly. (And true story: I picked this book up off my desk because of the cover, and read it, and loved it. Publishing success!)

It looks like the cover for an ultra-modern horror story—which in a way I suppose it is.

A delightfully weird book cover for a delightfully weird performer.

This is a very effective version of the double layer/ripped paper technique; the red dagger is a double entendre all by itself.

I mean, we’ve got Plato, lurking in the clouds like a god, his left eye closed behind—is it? yes—half a CD. What’s not to like?

“I wanted it to feel dynamic, like it was coming at you but also drawing your eye in,” Morris told Lit Hub. “I wanted to somehow portray or hint at blood in a more unexpected way that would make the view look twice. A red string, that the main characters wear as collars sparked the idea of the red string abstractly portrayed as foliage that the dog explosively tore its way through.” Read more about it here.

A cover that feels gluttonous indeed.

So delicate, so lovely.