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    On the shortest day of the year, read one of these 100 excellent short novels.

    Emily Temple

    December 21, 2021, 11:42am

    As you probably know, today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a good day for spellcasting, naps, and reading—especially short books that you can knock out in an evening (or even before the sun goes down, if you’re ambitious). In the mood for something old? Find something on our list of 50 Great Classic Novels Under 200 Pages. Rather live in the now? We also have a list of the 50 Best Contemporary Novels Under 200 Pages. Do you actually only have ten minutes? Try this list of 11 Very Short Stories You Must Read Immediately. And no matter what happens, after today, we can all take heart in the fact that the days will be officially getting longer again. See you on the other side.

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