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    Neil Gaiman put his pencil down to support the WGA strike.

    Janet Manley

    May 18, 2023, 10:04am

    Solidarity to members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) East and West! ✊ The strike, which is now two weeks along, is perhaps the last stand against artists being replaced by AI bots, and one that will benefit labor causes from coast to coast, since the key ask is a livable wage. Almost as importantly, the WGA strike has been fertile ground for thirst traps from writers and actors who have shown up to show support, including one Neil Gaiman, who was spotted on the ground by Tumblr user “fuckyeahgoodomens” looking solid in a tee.


    The red t-shirt reads PENCILS THE F*CK DOWN and has a WGA-issue fist holding a pencil—pleasing for the professional pencils risking their livelihoods to walk the streets; also pleasing for anyone who ever fetishized a good 2B.

    Gaiman explains in the Tumblr clip that he wore a similar red t-shirt for the 1988 WGA strike. His sign reads, “That’s your counter offer? Really???” Don’t mess with the Sandman!

    Elsewhere in the celebrity effort to pressure studios to pay up, Weezer set up outside Paramount, threatening to play “Island in the Sun” on loop until they cave. Your move, Paramount.

    [h/t The Mary Sue]

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