TODAY: In 1906, Henrik Ibsen dies.
- Mira Ptacin talks to Anna Noyes about how residencies and new routines can rewire your brain (to the benefit of your writing). | Lit Hub In Conversation
What’s on Zoë Bossiere’s nightstand? Books by Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, Katya Apekina, Zoë Schlanger, and more. Diana Arterian dives in. | Lit Hub Criticism
Article continues after advertisement - “It’s Out of Africa meets Pretty Woman!” Maris Kreizman on the problem with comp titles. | Lit Hub
- “The idea is not to look at the chances that something would happen by the number of goes you take, but to look at the chances it wouldn’t happen.” Tom Chivers on rolling the dice and what gambling has to remind us about the art of statistics. | Lit Hub Science
- How does Miranda July decide what to read? Maybe you should ask her. | Lit Hub In Conversation
- “As Walmart expanded its stores across the country, low-rung female workers remained essential to Walton’s low-cost business model.” Why gender discrimination is integral to the retail giant’s labor practices. | Lit Hub Politics
- “The Great American Novel is a long-dead cultural aspiration.” 5 book reviews you need to read this week. | Book Marks
- “The problem was he cut too deep. Waited too long and cut too deep. A line so precise even an idiot couldn’t mistake it for an accident.” Read from Mesha Maren’s novel, Shae. | Lit Hub Fiction
- “I like my books like I like my men: thick, funny, and full of contradictions.” Reece Sisto on the beauty of queer literature with bite. | The Baffler
- Revisiting Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and what it can teach us about the differences between informing and truth-telling. | Dissent
- “We have this concept of Shakespeare now as almost this kind of holy icon that you can’t touch…” On the long and storied tradition of altering the works of Shakespeare to fit new audiences. | Reactor
- What can translating fiction teach you about writing it? A lot, it turns out. | The Millions
- “In truth, being called on to draft a eulogy is the closest I’ve ever felt to my craft being an act of service.” Comedian and speechwriter Chandler Dean on how to craft a eulogy. | McSweeney’s
- Silvana Paternostro traces One Hundred Years of Solitude’s long path from page to screen. | Vanity Fair