TODAY: In 1997, William S. Burroughs dies.
- When writing is your job, researching trauma can be a serious a workplace hazard. | Lit Hub
- Terry Tempest Williams talks to Paul Holdengraber about beauty, survival, and the twinned realities of joy and sorrow. | Lit Hub
- “Write a sentence as clean as a bone.” And other intense bits of writing advice from James Baldwin. | Lit Hub
- From Knut Hamsun to Tarka the Otter, literary fascists of the 1930s, great and small. | Lit Hub
- Nora Caplan-Bricker calls Samantha Hunt “a ferally inventive writer,” and 4 other book reviews you should read this week. | Book Marks
- J. Kingston Pierce on the strange history and lurid, distinctive, beautiful pulp art of Dell mapbacks. | CrimeReads
- Have you been feeling constantly beset by existential dread? You’re not alone! Barnes & Noble says sales of books related to anxiety are through the roof. | CNBC
- “Write fast, edit slow” and other advice from productivity experts about how to write a book without losing your mind. | The Atlantic
- Oh you love murder? Me too!” Alice Bolin on true crime’s ethical dilemma. | Vulture
- Why do bookstores look like flower shops? On “bouquet books,” publishing’s most floral design trend.| Vanity Fair
- “All my life, I have felt like a minor character, and I do not mind.” Lillian Li interviews Min Jin Lee. | Asian American Writers Workshop
- “We were doing a play, yes, but it became something else.” On the history of Angels in America and its recent return to Broadway. | The Nation
- “Heaps grew; the closet emptied. I felt oddly fine.” Kathleen Alcott recommends a story from Catherine Lacey’s Certain American States. | Electric Literature
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