TODAY: In 1928, Maya Angelou is born.
- Marissa Higgins recommends queer books for people with mommy issues. And yes, The Price of Salt is on the list. | Lit Hub Reading Lists
- Diana Arterian takes a close look at what Julia Alvarez has on her nightstand. | Lit Hub Criticism
- “west—all the way. / our move still feels like yesterday, / although it has been ages.” Read David Semanki’s poem “California,” from the collection Ghost Camera. | Lit Hub Poetry
- Are you broken if you like reading bad reviews of your writing nemesis? Kristen Arnett answers that burning question and more. | Lit Hub Craft
- Kwaneta Harris explores systemic censorship and the regulation of knowledge in Texas prisons. | Lit Hub Politics
- “Psychoanalysis was essential for understanding the cage and its contours, but an inadequate tool for getting out of it.” Hannah Zeavin interviews Anna Schechtman. | Lit Hub In Conversation
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