TODAY: In 1989, Daphne du Maurier, English novelist and playwright dies.
- What every writer can learn about coaching youth sports (the intrigue, the tragedy, the infidelity). | Literary Hub
- Most of the alien stories we tell are really just about us—except for the truly great ones. | Literary Hub
- 31 vintage posters telling you to read a damn book. You are welcome. | Literary Hub
- How much of ourselves do we leave on the page? Robin Wasserman in conversation with Charles Bock. | Literary Hub
- Lies, damn lies, and Ted Cruz’s sneak attack on one of NASA’s core missions. | Literary Hub
- When I began her story, when I began grafting her alive on the surface of my skin: An excerpt from The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch. | BuzzFeed Reader
- “What makes the transhumanist movement so seductive is that it promises to restore, through science, the transcendent hopes that science itself obliterated.” Meghan O’Gieblyn on faith, technology, and Ray Kurzweil. | n+1
- “I wanted to write for a long time about things on a grand scale—declining civilization! the apocalypse! death! love!—but now I’m much more interested in small, even banal pieces, and what I can build with them.” An interview with Kristen Radtke. | Electric Literature
- On the straightjacket of cultural expectations, hysteria, and Leonora Carrington’s “somatic response to society.” | Signature
- I struggle every day, but when I look up from my desk, Eliot’s words are a comfort: Hannah Tinti on T. S. Eliot’s poem “East Coker.” | The Atlantic
- “I told you. . . She has powers.” An excerpt from Chloe Benjamin’s The Immortalists. | Entertainment Weekly
- The 2017 Best Translated Book Award finalists include Zama, Extracting the Stone of Madness, and more. | The Millions
Also on Lit Hub: Elizabeth Crane: a brief history of dating writer types · In Atlanta, airport creep means displacing families for flight paths · From Alison MacLeod’s new story collection, All the Beloved Ghosts.
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