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    Join Stephen Colbert, Claire Danes, and more in celebrating this Bloomsday.

    Julia Hass

    June 16, 2020, 12:46pm

    What is Bloomsday anyway? The classic Dublin celebration of James Joyce, commonly referred to as “Bloomsday,” is celebrated on June 16 every year, the day Leopold Bloom wandered the streets of Dublin in the epic novel Ulysses. Though usually the day is commemorated by the (traditionally) alcohol-fueled procession of Dubliners flooding the streets to walk in Leopold Bloom’s footsteps, and other cities honoring the day with their own parades and events, this year is looking a little different, though just as recognized. Virtual events are taking place all over the world: Athens, Lisbon, and Toronto are among the various cities throwing virtual readings, performances, and musical events for all their Joyce enthusiasts. One pharmacy in Dublin called Sweny’s, where Leopold Bloom purchases face cream for his wife in the book, will be reading the entirety of the 730-page novel over Zoom.

    This morning, Stephen Colbert kicked off a “Bloomsday on Broadway” performance, featuring such names as Claire Danes, Hugh Dancy, Cynthia Nixon, and many others. You can tune in at any time today, at this link, to see your favorite authors read, perform iconic scenes, and more. Happy Ulysses-ing!

    [via The Guardian]

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