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    Gillian Anderson wants to hear all about your sexual fantasies.

    Jonny Diamond

    February 3, 2023, 10:34am

    Yup. The recent star of the absolutely charming series Sex Education is collecting the sexual fantasies of women as part of her plan to reprise Nancy Friday’s 1973 book, The Secret Garden: Women’s Sexual Fantasies. Friday’s book, which was groundbreaking at the time, collected (anonymously) the deepest, darkest sexual desires of women in an effort to demonstrate that it’s not just men who have rich inner erotic lives (duh).

    Anderson, who will be doing her updated version of The Secret Garden for Bloomsbury, wrote in an essay for The Guardian that she:

    wants women across the world, and all of you who identify intrinsically as women now – queer, heterosexual and bisexual, non-binary, transgender, polyamorous – all of you, old and young, whatever your religion, and married, single or other, to write to me and tell me what you think about when you think about sex. Whether it’s when you’re having it by yourself or with a partner, or with more than one. Tell me. Fantasies, frustrations, explorations, the forbidden, childhood, sounds, fetishes, guilt, insatiability. Fifty years on, the boundaries have been erased, no more so than in our own sexuality: BDSM, the modern meaning of gender etc, anything is up for grabs. Are women still the silent sex? I suppose that is one of the things we’re going to find out.

    Here’s the actual solicitation, if you feel so inclined.

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