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    Gift idea for a weird poet: a handwritten book of poetry by Bonnie (of ‘and Clyde’ fame).

    Jessie Gaynor

    September 20, 2019, 12:30pm

    If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a special someone in your life who loves poetry and crime memorabilia—and honestly, there’s probably a fair amount of overlap in that Venn—you’re in luck! You can bid on this handwritten book of poetry by Bonnie Parker, one half of the famed Texas outlaw couple. Parker wrote the book—which is partially original poems and partially traditional verses—while she was in prison. The book is being offered at auction by RR Auction this Saturday, with a minimum bid of $5,000.

    The titles of the original works include:”The Prostitute’s Convention”; “The Fate of Tiger Rose”; and “When!!” (which the auction’s site describes as “a humorous doggerel about a husband abandoning his wife”).

    Hey, apparently bank-robbing poets are an American tradition!

    [h/t Fort Worth Star-Telegram]

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