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    Frederik X’s first(ish) act as King of Denmark? Publishing a book about himself.

    Emily Temple

    January 17, 2024, 10:24am

    On Sunday, the Danish monarch, Queen Margrethe, abdicated her throne after 52 years (which makes her the longest-reigning monarch in Danish history), in favor of her son, Frederik X.

    Monday was the new king’s first formal day on the job (he visited Parliament), but it wasn’t until today, his third day as king, that he got around to publishing a book. What restraint! It’s called Kongeord (The King’s Word) and according to the BBC it “promises Frederik’s thoughts on topics including Denmark’s place in the world and his relationship with his wife, Queen Mary.”

    On the latter subject, the book includes this bit: “I have learned a lot from having a wife who, from time to time, reminds me that of course I am not always right, and that my words are not automatically believed, just because I am a man in the house.” Well…good.

    The book, which runs about 110 pages, was written with Jens Andersen, who published a 2017 biography of Frederik’s 2017 biography, and is reportedly based on interviews conducted over the last eighteen months.

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