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    All your favorite pop songs reimagined as sonnets.

    Emily Temple

    April 14, 2020, 10:53am

    Today from the endless vault that is the internet: your favorite pop songs, rewritten as sonnets. I only recently stumbled across this truly hilarious and inspired (and now-defunct) Tumblr, but it made me laugh out loud in an otherwise depressing time, so I thought I would share it with you. These sonnets were written by software engineer Erik Didriksen, who has also published a book of his work, entitled Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs. (‘Twould make an excellent gifte.) In other news, I am now making a playlist of these terrible/amazing pop classics to soothe my soul. Here are a few of the best sonnets in the bunch, but do I recommend you go investigating yourself.

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