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    A Shakespearean parody of the upcoming Shakespearean parody of The Avengers.


    March 26, 2021, 2:40pm

    Two franchises alike in type of work,
    One Marvel, one that puts out parodies,
    That’s called Quirk Books, the main word being “quirk”;
    They’re behind Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    From forth their fertile loins comes a collab
    Which any real specific purpose shirks;
    IPs embracing named this money grab
    William Shakespeare’s Avengers: The Complete Works.

    Exit pursued by Thanos. Loki too,
    Assumed predictables supplant the hook:
    Shakespeare exists, as does the MCU.
    This is the lesson of the quirky book.

    It is a badge to sit upon a shelf;
    This is the point. The object in itself.

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