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    Writers, take heart: K-Pop superstars are just like you!

    Jonny Diamond

    May 17, 2021, 9:45am

    There are many—nay, infinite—ways in which writers are nothing like K-Pop superstars… HOWEVER, maybe we can take some small solace from the fact that human megahit-machine Bang Chan (of Stray Kids and 3RACHA) runs into bouts of writers’ block just like the rest of us. As he tells fellow K-Pop star Hongjoon in the video below, sometimes when the writing isn’t working you just have to take a walk, play some video games, and maybe work out. Do you hear that writers? You can’t *just* play video games. Actually, the awkward high five through the Covid shield in this interview is probably the most writer-like behavior you’ll on the internet today.

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