The cutest feud on Twitter is between a parks department and library in Colorado.
A library just outside Denver was telling people to stay inside before it was cool—and, in the process, having a (pretty adorable) Twitter feud with its local parks department.
Jefferson County Public Library dunks on the outdoors every chance it gets in response to Jeffco Open Space, which manages the county’s outdoor public spaces. Right now, it feels to me like they’re winning. The outside world has bears and coronavirus; inside, there are books and the main threat is becoming trapped in the prison of our own minds.
Bears don't like books because they have way more fun playing outside. (P.S. the bears are sleeping right now, don't be such a scaredy cat!)
— Jeffco Open Space (@JeffcoOpenSpace) January 31, 2019
Lately, the library managed to fit a dig at Jeffco Open Space into a topical hand-washing song:
This song absolutely SLAPS!
Wash your hands, #Jeffco. ?❤️
— Jefferson County Public Library (@cojeffcolibrary) March 10, 2020
In conclusion, bears are dangerous, wash your hands, and avoid other humans, possibly forever.
[via KUSA]