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    Lena Dunham is publishing a serialized novel on Vogue.com.

    Jessie Gaynor

    March 23, 2020, 10:08am

    “Lena Dunham is writing a novel” would be a thoroughly unsurprising (if ill-timed) announcement. But “Lena Dunham is writing a serialized, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style novel” is slightly more interesting!

    According to Vogue, which will publish the daily installments, the project is “in the spirit of a literary tradition that harkens back to Charles Dickens and George Eliot,” so I guess… get those hopes up!

    The novel, Verified Strangers, follows Ally, a single 32-year-old woman who is nursing a broken heart and “addicted to dating.” Readers can vote on the direction of the story on Vogue‘s Instagram account.

    As an unabashed lover of romantic comedies and “women’s lit” (fight me), this sounds like a very comforting read right about now, though I personally have no interest in choosing my own adventure. Please choose my adventure for me; I’m very tired from deciding where in my home to sit.

    You can read the first installment here.


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