Jacob Mikanowski on the Cultural-Political Idea Formerly Known as “Eastern Europe”
In Conversation with Andrew Keen on Keen On
Hosted by Andrew Keen, Keen On features conversations with some of the world’s leading thinkers and writers about the economic, political, and technological issues being discussed in the news, right now.
In this episode, Andrew talks to Jacob Mikanowski, author of Goodbye, Eastern Europe, about both the history and disappearance of what we once knew as “Eastern Europe.”
Find more Keen On episodes and additional videos on Lit Hub’s YouTube Channel!
JACOB MIKANOWSKI is a historian, a freelance journalist and a critic. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Aeon, Cabinet, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Guardian, The New York Times, newyorker.com, The Point, The Awl, Atlas Obscura, Slate and the Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere. He lives in Berkeley, CA.