How to Write About Nature: Simple Language, Interspecies Empathy, and Use Your Eyes Like a Hawk
Verlyn Klinkenborg in Conversation with Andrew Keen
Hosted by Andrew Keen, Keen On features conversations with some of the world’s leading thinkers and writers about the economic, political, and technological issues being discussed in the news, right now.
In this episode, Andrew is joined by Verlyn Klinkenborg, author of The Rural Life.
Find more Keen On episodes and additional videos on Lit Hub’s YouTube Channel!
Verlyn Klinkenborg is a former member of the editorial board of the New York Times. He currently teaches creative writing at Yale Universeity. He has taught literature and creative writing at Fordham University, St. Olaf College, Bennington College, and Harvard University. Klinkenborg is the author of Making Hay, The Last Fine Time, and The Rural Life. He lives on a small farm in upstate New York.