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    Houses from literature that Airbnb could definitely trick us into booking.

    James Folta

    May 3, 2024, 12:09pm

    Airbnb, the vacation rental company and possibly why your rent is too high, recently announced a line of movie tie-in rentals inspired by cinema classics, including the house from Prince’s Purple Rain and a very precarious-looking, dangling recreation of the house from Up.

    While Disney adults craving an adrenaline rush might love being rocked to sleep in a house hanging from a crane, it’s not everyone’s ideal vacation. Here are some pitches for more literary-themed rentals that might better suit readers looking for a getaway.

    The UES Apartment from My Year of Rest And Relaxation
    Perfect for when a long weekend just isn’t long enough. A whole year will fly by in this rental apartment with a very comfy bed and 24/7 access to an extremely shady psychiatrist.

    The House of Mirth from The House Of Mirth
    READ THE BOOK BEFORE YOU RENT! The “mirth” here is ironic at best and while the house looks great from the street (captivating architecture and a gorgeous yard), the longer you stay the more things will break down (toilet only works if you went to “the right schools”).

    Really only good for short trips, as the longer you stay, the more you’ll see that the thin facade of social manners and gilded opulence is merely papering over an underlying corruption and rot.

    Trinity College Dublin from Normal People
    Relive your confused and formative college days on the campus featured in the Sally Rooney novel! Ideal for a horny and internally conflicted getaway—do not miss the intrusive thoughts and the conversations about the Communist Manifesto.

    Not recommended for family trips, but dads might enjoy pretending they’re studying medicine alongside another famous Trinity grad: Steven Maturin from Patrick O’Brian’s Master and Commander books.

    Paterson, NJ from Paterson
    Do you love William Carlos Williams’ epic poem and want to see the town and its famous waterfall for yourself? Stay in this beautiful and well-appointed house, and learn about the town from the newspaper clippings and photocopied sections of history books scattered around.

    And stop asking about plums! The renters are absolutely sick of plum jokes.

    Grendel’s Mom’s Cave from Beowulf
    Look, it still counts as “lake-side” even if it’s technically under a lake. A great place to stay if you looking to save a little money—there’s no cleaning fee and you’ll get a discount if you bring bones with you.

    The Round House from Le Morte d’Arthur
    Inspired by King A’s famously-shaped table, this rental apartment near Columbus Circle is completely round in every way, from the shape of the rooms, to the furniture, to the books, which have all been trimmed into circles and made into unreadable erasure poems.

    This is a great place to get away with your boys to discuss honor and the times you fished old rusted crap from lakes.

    The Raft from Life of Pi
    The raft is constructed out of detritus and life vests, just like the book! And don’t worry, we’re not delusional—the rental raft isn’t adrift at sea, it’s in a backyard pool at a very nice LA house, and the tiger is a gassy French Bulldog named Salvatore. Though after a couple days of giving Sal all his daily medicines, you’ll probably wish he was a tiger.

    Florence Apartment from Dante’s Divine Comedy
    This is a beautiful, spacious rental right in the heart of Florence! There’s nothing hellacious or punishing about its huge bed, claw-foot tub, and sunlit terrace with views of the Duomo, perfect for a morning espresso.

    There is however an illegal multistory basement that gets dirtier and more troubling the deeper into it you go. DO NOT go down there without a guide.

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