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    Here are the most popular self-help books in every state.

    Jessie Gaynor

    February 25, 2020, 3:01pm

    They say you can tell a lot about a state by the self-help books its residents read. (Someone has probably said that at some point, anyway.)

    Lhasa OMS, an acupuncture supply company (okay!), looked at data from Google Trends from January 2019–January 2020 to find the most popular self-help titles in every state, giving us a nationwide picture of all our anxieties and aspirations. Unsurprisingly, number one with a Law of Attraction bullet is The Secret, which was the favorite in 19 states, including South Carolina (candidates, take note).

    Other notable pairings: Florida with The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, DC with The 4 Hour Work Week, and Nevada with Think and Grow Rich.

    Hope everyone’s doing okay out there. Just kidding, I know none of us are!

    via Lhasa OMS

    [h/t Apartment Therapy]

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