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    FSG will publish Chelsea Manning’s memoir

    Corinne Segal

    May 13, 2019, 3:36pm

    Farrar, Straus and Giroux will publish a memoir by Chelsea Manning in winter 2020, the publisher announced today.

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    “Ms. Manning has made headlines around the world, but they couldn’t possibly capture the complexity of her experiences,” Colin Dickerman, FSG’s vice president and executive editor, said in a statement. “Here are the details of how and why she made the choices she did, along with her reckoning with the consequences. It’s a riveting book—intimate, passionate, galvanizing, and necessary for our times.”

    The memoir, which does not yet have a title, will cover Manning’s childhood, her experience in the military, her decision to leak classified military information to WikiLeaks in 2010, and navigating the events that followed as a trans woman.

    Manning was recently jailed for 62 days in Virginia after she refused to testify in a grand jury investigation into the leak. She will appear in front of another grand jury on May 16 and will again not answer questions, her lawyer told The New York Times.

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