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    For a next-level book promo video, eat the mushrooms that sprouted from your book about mushrooms.

    Jessie Gaynor

    June 24, 2020, 11:56am

    Based purely on his excellent name, I assume Merlin Sheldrake was voted Most Likely to Write a Book About How Fungi Changed the World in high school. And, if you had any doubt that Sheldrake is committed to his brand, the video he posted of himself cooking and eating the mushrooms that sprouted from a copy of his book, Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, & Shape Our Futures.

    In the video, Sheldrake displays a copy of his book with an unsettling number of oyster mushrooms growing from between its pages. Sheldrake explains that his book is being devoured by the pleurotus fungus, which can apparently “digest anything from crude oil to used cigarette butts.” He then proceeds to harvest the shrooms, sautée them, and eat them.

    If floppy fungus spilling out from a new release is your version of ASMR, your day has come. (Even if not, you’re probably going to want to watch the video.)

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