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    Ariana Reines wins the $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award.

    Katie Yee

    February 25, 2020, 3:43pm

    Ariana Reines, A Sand Book

    Congratulations to poet Ariana Reines, who just received the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award for her latest collection, A Sand Book, which touches on climate change, sexual trauma, ghosting, and other aspects of being alive today. The prize, established 28 years ago, celebrates mid-career emerging poets. In addition to receiving this honor, she also gets to take home the whopping $100,000 cash prize that comes with it. (Hot tip: it’s the largest annual cash prize for a single work of poetry.)

    i can't talk about the trees without the blood_tiana clark

    Claremont Graduate University also announced the winner of their Kate Tufts Discovery Award: Tiana Clark for I Can’t Talk about the Trees Without the Blood, a powerful collection exploring the landscape of the south and the personal and political trauma of its past. The Discovery Award is dedicated to celebrating debut poetry collections with a $10,000 reward. (Nothing to sneeze at!)

    So there, Mom. Poetry is a lucrative career path.

    [via Pasadena Star-News]

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