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    A rare Maurice Sendak story will be published next year.

    Janet Manley

    June 22, 2023, 9:53am

    Almost 60 years after the publication of Where The Wild Things Are (November 23 will mark the rumpus), the world is getting a new children’s book from the late Maurice Sendak. HarperCollins Publishers will be releasing Ten Little Rabbits: A Counting Story with Mino the Magician, a count-along book, in February 2024.

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    The story was created in 1970 by Sendak in pamphlet form for a Rosenbach Museum fundraiser, and you can still find rare copies on Abebooks. Illustrated in black pen, the story shows Mino the magician pulling rabbits from a hat, then putting them back in. HarperCollins acquired the rights from The Maurice Sendak Foundation.

    via Abebooks

    Along with winning the Caldecott medal, and generally being a treasured children’s author and illustrator, Sendak is remembered for providing perhaps the greatest book blurb of all time for Stephen Colbert’s I Am a Pole (and So Can You): “The sad thing is I like it.”

    Sendak did not have children, nor want them, but told Terri Gross that if he had to, “I would infinitely prefer a daughter. If I had a son I’d leave him at the A&P.” Memorable!

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