“Planting Fairy Wings,” a Poem by Liu Zongyuan, translated by Nathaniel Dolton-Thornton and Yu Yuanyuan

种仙灵毗Article continues after advertisementRemove Ads   穷陋阙自养 疠气剧嚣烦 隆冬乏霜霰Article continues after advertisementRemove Ads 日夕南风温 杖藜下庭际 曳踵不及门 门有野田吏 慰我飘零魂 及言有灵药 近在湘西原Article continues after advertisementRemove Ads 服之不盈旬 蹩躠皆腾鶱 笑抃前即吏 为我擢其根 蔚蔚遂充庭 英翘忽已繁 晨起自采曝Article continues after advertisementRemove Ads 杵臼通夜喧 灵和理内藏 攻疾贵自源 壅覆逃积雾 伸舒委余暄 奇功苟可征Article continues after advertisementRemove Ads 宁复资兰荪 我闻畸人术 一气中夜存 能令深深息 呼吸还归跟 疏放固难效 且以药饵论 痿者不忘起 穷者宁复言 神哉辅吾足 … Continue reading “Planting Fairy Wings,” a Poem by Liu Zongyuan, translated by Nathaniel Dolton-Thornton and Yu Yuanyuan