What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Color Inside a Melon

John Domini

What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Color Inside a Melon

John Domini

Kurt Baumeister,
The Nervous Breakdown
John Domini returns with some of the most assured writing of his career. Set in Naples in the wake of an earthquake, The Color Inside a Melon is a brisk, literary mystery that marries art and the investigation of a murder with questions of immigration, race, and class. Domini is at the top of his game in what may be the surprise hit of the summer..
Mark Athitakis,
The Washington Post
Melon functions as much as an assimilation novel as it does a noir. But it’s rhetorically offbeat, as well.
Jacob Singer,
The Brooklyn Rail
... stylized, artful, and heroic.
The latest from Domini...is a dark, brisk-paced, and intriguing—if sometimes slightly ungainly—hybrid.